
  • Set the global.dns to your (sub) domain name.

  • You should start going through the Site Settings in global.settings section:

    • white-labeling: give you site a nice name via site_name, site_description, logo, etc.

    • contact information: help_email

    • policy pages: configure them as multiline-yaml strings, which are formatted using Markdown.

  • Here, you’ll also have to tell the services how to connect to the database in global.database. If you need TLS, see Database TLS for more details.

  • Don’t forget to set global.imagePullSecrets if the secret is not regcred (see Docker registry).

  • Set global.setup_registration_token to restrict account creation – you probably want that.

  • Via global.setup_admin: {...} you define your initial admin account credentials.

  • Tweak the default resource requests and limits of projects by adjusting the global.settings.default_quotas parameters. See Architecture/Project for some context. Beyond that, Resource Management explains how to manage resource allocation for projects.

  • Peek into cocalc-eu.yaml to see how things are setup for that cluster.


Do not enable the SSH Gateway for the first installation deployment. It won’t work. Instead, make sure your cluster works well, and then enable it in a subsequent update.

Probably a good starting point is this:

 2  dns: "my.domain.tld"  # <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< SET THIS
 4  # the version of your kubernetes cluster
 5  kubectl: "1.28" # enter it as a string, not a floating point number ;-)
 7  imagePullSecrets:
 8    - name: regcred
10  database:
11    host: ""  # <<<<<<<<<<< hostname
12    user: ""  # <<<<<<<<<<< username
13    database: "cocalc"  # <<<<<<< name of the DB to use
15  setup_admin:
16    email: "[email protected]"  # <<<<<<< adjust
17    password: "PASSWORD"  # or pass in the real password via $ helm [...] --set global.setup_admin.password=[password]
18    name: "Your Name"   # <<<<<<<<<<<<<
20  setup_registration_token: "SECRET_TOKEN"  # <<<<<<<<<< set this to something nobody can guess
22  ingress:
23    class: "nginx"
24  #  cert_manager:
25  #    issuer: "letsencrypt-prod"
26  #  tls:
27  #    - hosts:
28  #        - "my.domain.tld" #  <<<<<<<<<<<< domain name
29  #      secretName: cocalc-tls
31  networkingConfiguration:
32    hideMetrics: false     # read before enabling it
34  ssh_gateway:
35    enabled: false # Note: on the very first helm deployment, it must be disabled.
37  # All settings have to match with the keys in the site settings config, see
38  #
39  settings:
40    site_name: "CoCalc OnPrem"
41    site_description: "Test instance of CoCalc OnPrem"
42    organization_name: ""
43    organization_email: &EMAIL ""
44    organization_url: ""
45    terms_of_service_url: ""
46    help_email: *EMAIL
47    splash_image: ""
48    logo_square: ""
49    logo_rectangular: ""
50    share_server: "yes"
51    index_info_html: |
52      A temporary test instance, not intended for public consumption.
53    imprint: |
54      # This is a test instance, not intended for public consumption.
55    policies: |
56      <h1><i>This is a test instance, not intended for public consumption.</i></h1>
57    pii_retention: "3 month"
58    anonymous_signup: "no"
59    email_enabled: "yes"
60    verify_emails: "yes"
61    email_backend: "smtp"
62    #email_smtp_server: ""
63    #email_smtp_from: ""
64    #email_smtp_login: ""
65    #email_smtp_secure: "yes" # usually yes, and with port 465
66    #email_smtp_port: "465"
68    # CGroup quotas for a project, out of the box
69    # e.g. '{"internet":true,"idle_timeout":3600,"mem":1000,"cpu":1,"cpu_oc":10,"mem_oc":5}'
70    default_quotas: '{"internet":true,"idle_timeout":1800,"mem":2000,"cpu":1,"cpu_oc":20,"mem_oc":10}'
73# we configure PV/PVC on our own
75  create: false
78  prepull:
79    enabled: false   # <<<<<<<<< only enable it, if you set the project node pool's taints correctly
80  project:
81    dedicatedProjectNodesTaint: "cocalc-projects"
82    dedicatedProjectNodesLabel: "cocalc-role"
84    # if you need this, enable it
85    fixPermissionsInit: false