.. index:: Configuration; Basics .. _config-basics: Basics =============================== - Set the ``global.dns`` to your (sub) domain name. - You should start going through the :ref:`Site Settings ` in ``global.settings`` section: give you site a nice name, etc. - Here, you'll also have to tell the services how to connect to the database in ``global.database``. If you need TLS, see :ref:`db-tls` for more details. - Don't forget to set ``global.imagePullSecrets`` if the secret is not ``regcred`` (see :ref:`private-docker-registry`). - Set ``global.setup_registration_token`` to restrict account creation – you probably want that. - Via ``global.setup_admin: {...}`` you define your initial :ref:`admin account credentials `. - Tweak the default resource requests and limits of projects by adjusting the ``global.settings.default_quotas`` parameters. See :ref:`Architecture/Project ` for some context. Beyond that, :doc:`../ops/resources` explains how to manage resource allocation for projects. - Peek into ``cocalc-eu.yaml`` to see how things are setup for that cluster. .. warning:: Do not enable the :ref:`ssh-gateway` for the first installation deployment. It won't work. Instead, make sure your cluster works well, and then enable it in a subsequent :ref:`update `.