.. _patching-projects: Patching Projects ==================== This section solves all problems that arise if you want to customize the actual :term:`Pod` of a project beyond the limits of what configuring :ref:`my-values.yaml` or :ref:`license quotas ` can do. Also, this customization is specific to individual projects, not across all of them! To make this possible, you can configure :ref:`licenses` containing a `JSON Patch `_. A JSON Patch is a JSON string (array), containing a series of JSON patch operations. The basic idea is that by applying such a license, it's opertions are applied to the project pod datastructure right before it is sent to the Kubernetes API. If there are several licenses, their operations are aggregated. This is the sequence leading to the final project pod: #. During HELM deployment, the ``charts/manage/templates/_project.tpl`` template is rendered and the resulting JSON is stored in the ``project-pod`` :term:`ConfigMap`. If you are audacious, you could deploy your own ``project-pod`` ConfigMap with a different template! #. When a project is issued to start, the "manage" service reads the template from the ``project-pod`` ConfigMap. Feel free to run ``kubectl get configmap project-pod -o yaml`` to see it. #. It replaces placeholders: - ``{PROJECT_IMAGE}`` the docker image name to use for the project, that holds the "software" (what users work with) - ``{PROJECT_TAG}`` corresponding to the abve, the docker image tag to use for the project. They're concatenated with a ``":"``. - ``{project_id}`` the project's :term:`UUID`, as defined by CoCalc in the database - ``{extra_env}`` additional environment variables to set during project initialization - ``{project_config}`` the project configuration, as defined by CoCalc in the database #. When the licenses are processed, a quota is computed. - This adjust the CPU and memory requests and limits of the project pod. - Exact details depend on the ``max_upgrades`` and ``default_quotas`` :ref:`server settings `. - A license quota could contain a "patch" as well. #. The *combined list of all patches* found in the licenses is applied to the project pod template after all the above happened. CoCalc uses the ``applyPatch`` function of `fast-json-patch `__. Example ------- As admin, create a "Site License" and in the JSON Patch field, add this: .. code:: json [ { "op": "add", "path": "/metadata/labels/mylabel", "value": "test123" } ] This operation adds a label to the metadata of the project pod. See `RFC 6902 `__ for more information. Then, add this license to a project, which will restart it. As a result, the project pod is now: .. code:: bash $ kubectl get pod -o yaml project-[UUID] apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata: annotations: {...} labels: mylabel: test123 # <<< that's new network: outside project_id: [UUID] project_tag: project-20230110-1143 run: project [...] How to create a patch? ---------------------- You could the `fast-json-patch `_ library to create a patch: .. code:: bash npm init -y npm i fast-json-patch Get the project pod of an running project as JSON, and make a copy: .. code:: bash $ kubectl get pod -o json project-[UUID] > p1.json $ cp p1.json p2.json Now, edit ``p2.json`` to your liking, but don't touch those fields which belong to Kubernetes! To match the above, e.g. changes like this: .. code:: bash $ diff p1.json p2.json 14c14,15 < "run": "project" --- > "run": "project", > "mylabel": "test123" 191,192c192,193 < "serviceAccountName": "default", --- > "serviceAccountName": "default2", Now, create a script ``diff.js`` with the following content: .. code:: js var jsonpatch = require("fast-json-patch"); var fs = require("fs"); var p1 = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("p1.json", "utf8")); var p2 = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("p2.json", "utf8")); var delta = jsonpatch.compare(p1, p2); console.log(delta); and run it: .. code:: bash $ node diff.js [ { op: 'replace', path: '/spec/serviceAccountName', value: 'default2' }, { op: 'add', path: '/metadata/labels/mylabel', value: 'test123' } ] That's the patch for the license to make the above changes. Note: under the hood, the patch is stored as a serialized JSON string in the ``site_licenses`` database table: .. code:: bash cocalc=> select * from site_licenses where id = 'f3d76abf-38a5-4e4e-884d-2e70f1afddb9'; id | f3d76abf-38a5-4e4e-884d-2e70f1afddb9 title | patch1 activates | 2023-01-20 16:37:12.595 quota | {"cpu": 1, "ram": 1, "patch": "[{\"op\":\"add\",\"path\":\"/metadata/labels/mylabel\",\"value\":\"test123\"}]"} run_limit | 1 [...] Use Cases ------------------- Access all user files ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The above can be used to outfit a specific project for administrators to have access to all files of all users. To do this, the key idea is to mount the shared volume for user data – without specifying the project's :term:`UUID` as a sub-directory. This is the patch to add the volume named ``"home"`` to the directory ``/global`` in the project. .. code:: json [ { "op": "add", "path": "/spec/containers/0/volumeMounts/-", "value": { "mountPath": "/global", "name": "home" } } ] This patch could be part of an "Admin" license, which enables read/write access to the global ``/ext`` directory as well. For example, a possible configuration for a powerful admin license could be: .. code:: json { "cpu": 1, "ram": 3, "patch": "[{\"op\":\"add\",\"path\":\"/spec/containers/0/volumeMounts/7\",\"value\":{\"mountPath\":\"/global\",\"name\":\"home\"}}]", "ext_rw": true, "always_running": true } If you have further ideas, look at the top of this page to see how and where you can investigate the project's template and get the current version directly from Kubernetes. Additional storage ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here, we show how to mount an additional :term:`PVC` called ``storage-extra`` in a project at ``/extra``. First, you have to define it. For example, we use the following ``pvc-extra.yaml`` file, to define some additional storage on our NFS server, which runs a provisioner for the :term:`StorageClass` ``nfs``. This does not really matter, though, and you can configure this in any way you like. .. code:: yaml kind: PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: storage-extra namespace: cocalc spec: storageClassName: "nfs" # the storageclass, in my case an NFS provisioner accessModes: - ReadWriteMany resources: requests: storage: "10G" What really counts is adding a ``volume`` and ``volumeMount`` definition on the first container of the project pod. This patch below first appends the ``name/mountPath`` key/value object to the existing first container's ``volumeMounts`` array. The ``.../-`` means "add at the end of the array". You can change the ``mountPath`` in any way you like, although there are already some in use. Neither pick ``/home/user`` or ``/cocalc``. Replacing Linux standard directories is not a good idea as well. ``/data/...`` might be a good idea, though. Similarly, we append the ``name/persistentVolumeClaim`` object to the ``spec.volumes`` array. Again, you can do this any way you like, depending on what your cluster's storage system can do for you. The PVC is just an example, you can referenc your an NFS or CephFS server directly as well. What must match are both ``value.name``, which must also be unique among the valumes and mounts. .. code:: json [ { "op": "add", "path": "/spec/containers/0/volumeMounts/-", "value": { "name": "storage-extra", "mountPath": "/extra" } }, { "op": "add", "path": "/spec/volumes/-", "value": { "name": "storage-extra", "persistentVolumeClaim": { "claimName": "storage-extra" } } } ] As a result, in that project, where the license with that patch has been applied and restarted, there is an additional mount point: .. :: ~$ cd /extra /extra$ touch test.ipynb /extra$ ls -altrh total 8.0K drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4.0K Jun 4 08:52 .. drwxrwsrwx 2 root root 4.0K Jun 4 08:53 . -rw-r--r-- 1 user root 0 Jun 4 08:53 test.ipynb /extra$ mount | grep /extra on /extra type nfs (rw,relatime,vers=3,... Beyond that, do you want to give some users access to the **same volume, but read-only**? 1. Create a new license, call it something like "storage extra read-only". 2. Change the run limit to a high value, e.g. ``9999``. (Note: ``0`` for unlimited seems to be broken). 3. Define almost the same patch, but with a small tweak. Mount the volume with ``"readOnly": true``:: [{ "op": "add", ... "value": { ..., "readOnly": true }}, {"op": "add", ... }] Problems? --------- To debug this, you have to check the log of ``manage-action-...`` during project startup. It might fail with an error about a problematic JSON object (e.g. above, it fails for me, because I do not have a "default2" service account). You can also set the ``manage.dbg_project_patching`` value to ``"1"`` to output the project pod JSON right before the patch is applied and also the patch set itself. Look for lines containing ``project_pod=`` and ``project_pod_before=`` and ``patch=``.