.. _ops: Operations ========== At this point, you have :doc:`successfully deployed ` the CoCalc OnPrem service. This part is about how to operate and scale it. Prerequisites ------------- - All this assumes you are familiar with :term:`HELM Charts`, :term:`Kubernetes` and know your way around with :term:`YAML`. - Some abbreviations used to talk to Kubernetes come from :term:`Kubectl Aliases`. - The ``/ops`` directory has an ``activate.sh`` script, which you can copy, adjust to your needs, and source. - It's highly recommended to read about the :doc:`architecture` first, in order to get an understanding which part is responsible for what. Table of Contents ----------------- - :doc:`ops/versions`: release notes, available :term:`Docker images`, their deprecations, etc. - :doc:`ops/admin`: overview what admins can do, how to create more admins, etc. - :doc:`ops/updating`: make sure to update regularly, to get new features and bugfixes - :doc:`ops/llm`: notes about :term:`Large Language Models`. - :doc:`ops/scaling`: expands on how to scale proportional to the number of projects and users, etc. - :doc:`ops/software-env`: how to change the software environment of the project pods - :doc:`ops/resources`: managing resources in your cluster by e.g. modifying the resource limits of project pods - :doc:`ops/patching`: how to patch project pods - :doc:`ops/monitoring`: how to monitor the system - :doc:`ops/backup`: notes about backup and restore - :doc:`ops/troubleshoot`: common problems and how to solve them - :doc:`ops/tips`: some tips and tricks .. toctree:: :hidden: ops/versions ops/admin ops/updating ops/llm ops/scaling ops/software-env ops/resources ops/patching ops/monitoring ops/backup ops/troubleshoot ops/tips