.. index:: Testing .. _testing: Testing ------------ Of course, first just check if the Kubernetes Pods are showing up and are running. See :doc:`../ops/troubleshoot` for some ideas how to investigate problems. Once the services are running, there are very basic tests to check if they return some information: .. code:: bash helm test cocalc (where ``cocalc`` is the name of your CoCalc OnPrem deployment). This starts a few :term:`Kubernetes Jobs` and checks if they succeed. Beyond that, a good end-to-end test is to - Open the website, sign in as admin, and go to your projects. - Open a project of yours, or create one. - Open or create a ``terminal.term`` file and run basic Linux commands like ``uptime`` or ``htop``. - In that terminal, check if CoCalc related environment variables make sense: ``$ env | grep -i COCALC``. - Open or create a :term:`Jupyter Notebook`, select a popular kernel like "Python 3" and eval a cell with code like:: import sys sys.version or:: import pandas as pd print(pd.__version__) df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3], 'b': [4, 5, 6]}) df.describe() - Similar for R, Octave and Sage (if installed). - For Sage, make sure evaluating code works. If it doesn't, try running ``sage`` in a Terminal and if you get an "ILLEGAL INSTRUCTION" error, that means your hardware is too old for the Sage binary. Contact us. - Create a ``latex.tex`` document and check if it compiles. - Once some files are opened in your project, hit the refresh button of the browser. The files should still be there after reloading them, ready to be edited.