.. index:: Admin Setup .. _initial-admin-setup: Admin Setup ================================= - After the installation is complete, you should be able to access the CoCalc frontend via the ``DNS`` you specified in your :ref:`my-values.yaml `. - Use the credentials of your initial admin user you configured in your :ref:`my-values.yaml ` to sign in. Change your admin password in the account settings; it won't be overwritten. - I would also recommend to remove your credentials by changing that field back to ``global.setup_admin: {}``. Or, you could use this to create a second admin account during your next :ref:`update `. - If you specified a ``global.setup_registration_token`` (which is highly recommended!) it will be setup initially. Open "Admin" → "Registration Token" to setup your own, or disable this one, etc. More details about Admins, and how to create additional ones, are described in :doc:`../ops/admin`.