.. index:: Hubs .. _hubs: Hubs =========== - ``hub-websocket``: clients from the web connect via websockets. This service also controls the database, etc. - During normal usage, it is expected that up to 50 simultaneous connections are possible, 30 are great. - It's fine to run 5 or more websocket hubs. - ``hub-proxy``: establishes a connection to the projects, requires a client with a valid authentication. - During normal usage, at least 50 simultaneous connections are possible. - It's fine to run 5 or more proxy services. - ``hub-next``: - Serves dynamic pages like the landing page at ``/``, ``/info``, ``/policies``, etc. - This service also renders shared files of users at ``/share`` or even a custom name at ``/[user name]/[project nickname]/[share nickname]``. - Finally, it also serves ``/api/v2``. - There should be at least two next services running. - ``hub-maintenance-*``: single pods, remove/compact data in the database. - ``hub-stats``: single pod, collects statistics about CoCalc itself - ``hub-api``: serves the ``/api/v1`` endpoint. Restart an aspect e.g. via ``kubectl rollout restart deploy hub-next``. Restart all hubs via ``kubectl rollout restart deploy -l group=hub``.